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Hair loss treatments have been around for as long as men have been going bald, with varying degrees of success. While early "treatment" approaches were based more on questionable folk remedies and unproven methods than anything else, science has come a long way in the search for a solution to the problem of male hair loss. While there is still not a complete cure for baldness, there are now treatment options that can help to slow and reverse the causes of male hair loss.
The majority of hair loss treatment options fall into one of two categories, medications and supplements. While some consider surgical methods to be a third treatment option, surgery isn't truly a treatment for the underlying cause of hair loss. It is simply moving hair from one area of the scalp to another, often at great pain and expense. For true treatments, most men turn to drugs or supplements to battle their thinning hair.
In the drug category, there are only two prescription medications that are even approved to treat male hair loss, and only under very limited. They come with a host of sexual side effects and expense, and do not work for every person. Additionally, using drugs as a treatment option requires doctor visits, something most men prefer to avoid when there are simpler treatment options available. Some chemical topical agents that contain minoxidil (originally a blood pressure medication), are now available without a prescription, but they are not recommended for men looking to treat frontal hair loss.
A more popular treatment option, especially for men who still have hair remaining and are not yet bald, is the use of natural supplements in the fight against hair loss. These treatments are typically either ingestibles (pills and capsules) or topical agents (foams, serums, and some shampoos). Like medications, most are targeted at DHT, the primary hormonal by-product that attacks hair and causes it to fall out. The ingestibles contain natural DHT-blocking ingredients (saw palmetto and pumpkin seed extract are two of the most effective) that prevent the chemical reaction that creates DHT before it occurs. They can also contain important vitamin and mineral nutrients to promote healthy new hair regrowth. The topical treatments work to bind to the same androgen receptors in the hair follicles that DHT does and prevent it from attaching, and hair loss shampoos work to remove DHT at the root level on the scalp. Many men use both types of components for the best results, since each treatment option targets a different phase of hair loss.
No matter what treatment approach you prefer, Procerin has a solution. Our Procerin combination system includes hair loss capsules, the XT topical foam, and a daily-use shampoo suitable for all types of male hair loss. If you want a natural and effective treatment without resorting to harsh chemicals or surgical procedures, see what Procerin can do for you.